Good thing the internet provides for everything nowadays! No time to go to the grocery, we can order them online and have it delivered at our doorstep. Too lazy to cook or go out to eat? Order online and get it delivered in an hour's time! Too lazy to go to work? There are now zillions of work-at-home jobs where all we need is an internet connection.
And got no time to pray? The internet can now do it for you! :D Courtesy of
Whether you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or have an unaffiliated religion, this site can pray for you at an affordable fee! They even have special deals where you can get a prayer package only for less than 5 USD! Woohoo!
Not convinced? Here are the reasons why we should engage in their services!
PS. We live in a f*cked up world...*sigh* If I were God, I'd immediately send the person who had the audacity to make this website straight to hell.